Life Groups
What is a life group?
A life group is an intentional, face-to-face gathering of people that meet at a regular time with the common purpose of growing in Christ, encouraging one another, and reaching out to friends, neighbors and new church members.
Studies show if a new member does not get involved in a small group setting, the vast majority will leave a church in less than 5 years. We believe a Life Group is a great place to build spiritual friendships, find support in tough times and grow spiritually together.
Who can participate?
Anyone who desires! Life Groups allow our members to connect in deeper relationships. These relationships provide amazing opportunities for growth in Christ, serving, and reaching out to friends and neighbors.
At Brookline, all ages participate in Life Groups, from our youngest children to our oldest seniors. The concept is simple... Life Groups are people caring about people.
When and where do life groups meet?
Life Groups meet on Sunday afternoons or evenings. Life Groups meet three Sundays a month. Our Life Group sessions begin in August and conclude in May, with a break taking place during the Christmas holidays.
Life Groups are encouraged to share in activities together on other days of the week as well. Some Life Groups occasionally meet for lunch, participate in service projects, host baby showers, etc.
Most Life Groups meet in members' homes. Some Life Groups meet at the church building.
What happens during a life group meeting?
During a Life Group meeting, members share prayer requests and spend time with God in prayer. The Life Group leader will then lead the discussion using a sheet of discussion questions. All Life Groups use the same questions. Members read from the scriptures and participate in a meaningful discussion together.
Most Life Group meetings last about an hour, followed by refreshments or a meal. Groups with children may have a separate lesson or activity in another room for children.
How do I join a life group?
A list of life groups and their leaders is available in the foyer of the building. Any life group leader can provide information on when and where they meet. The life group ministry is led by Matt & Michelle Peters, so they can also help you find a life group. You can also contact the office.